Friday, August 06, 2004


Went home last weekend, and I've been recovering since.

I got no sleep, since we were in a rented cottage with really uncomfortable mattresses and apparently a leak above my bed on Friday night. I moved into my brother's room, which worked until my father woke him up for shacharit at some way too early time in the morning. That's besides the overnight bus on Thursday night, the random staying up late Saturday night, and the trip back to my brother's on Sunday, which basically took all day (it takes way longer to travel with a four-month old).

But i did get to go to the beach, picked roadside blueberries with my nephews, had a nice talk with little brother who's going to yeshiva in Israel next week, and got a fabulous nap in the hammock outside (SO comfy!).

Discovery of the weekend: I'm a very boring person. My mother's friend came over Friday night and was asking me what I do after work. After pausing for several minutes, I realized the only thing I could do to fulfil her expectations of my very exciting nightlife was to lie. So I told her I go out to bars and clubbing every night. I knew that didn't work when even her 5-year-old daughter started to laugh.



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