Wednesday, July 30, 2003

I am woman

Hear me roar. ROAR.

That was for JJ. But seriously, I just requested a meeting and spoke to my manager about next year's bonuses (I know it seems premature, but they're doing 2004 budgets now). Specifically, about the fact that one of my subordinates got a larger bonus than I did this year, and that I was taken aback (aren't I diplomatic??), since while he is more technical, and therefore makes more than me, I am still his manager, and that should be reflected at some point.

Ok, maybe I'm not the strongest personality, but I did want to make my views heard at least once so that I don't seem like so much of a pushover. I feel somewhat better, now that they know I at least have some sort of backbone (a very soft one, but at least it's there).


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