Thursday, August 14, 2003

Of Mice and Men

Ok, so not very original, but spare me.

And it's not very indicative either, other than the fact that while I was cleaning last night, I found a very very dead mouse in my kitchen. By very very, I mean that it was... well, shall we say, not all that recognizable, since it had clearly been there for a while. At least now I know where that smell was coming from. UGH!!

And I had to get rid of it myself. I might consider myself a feminist, but it's at times like these I wish I had a boyfriend. Or husband. Or a maid. Any of them would work.

My sister and brother-in-law are coming to visit tonight. They just got married last month (best compliment of the wedding: 'You look great! I didn't even recognize you!' umm... thanks?). I'm thrilled that my brother in law will be here, since we've got lots of burnt out lightbulbs, and very high ceilings. And being your typical short jew-girl, I can't reach a thing.

In other news... I bought a computer! It's a brand-new (ok, refurbished) Dell laptop. I'm very impressed with me. Of course, now I have no money. But soon we'll have a 3rd roommate, so at least it looks like I won't be paying extra rent for much longer.


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